Smart Cat Pioneer Pet Smart Cat Kitty Garden Refill
Smart Cat Pioneer Pet Smart Cat Kitty Garden Refill

Pioneer Pet Smart Cat Kitty Garden Refill


Healthy, edible grass that aids in digestion.

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Article number: P-2592
Availability: In stock

Kitty’s Garden Growing Instructions:

  1. Pour 3 ounces of warm water onto each peat pellet in the growing compartments. Note: Make sure there is one peat pellet in each compartment.

  2. Wait 10 minutes to absorb the water. Add more water as needed.

  3. Remove about 1 teaspoon of soil from each pellet and set aside

  4. Pour seeds from bag and disperse evenly into all compartments.

  5. Using the soil that you set aside in step 3 cover the seeds and lightly pack down.

  6. Add water if necessary to keep soil and seeds moist.  Drain any excess water from the bottom tray.

  7. Do not allow the seeds to dry out. Lightly mist your garden daily to keep the seeds moist.

  8. Keep in a location that is between 65-70° F. – Some seeds will sprout faster than others.

  9. When the grasses are 3” – 4” tall, you can treat your kitty to its garden!

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