Recreational Narcatics Recreational Narcatics Toy & 20g Catnip
Recreational Narcatics Recreational Narcatics Toy & 20g Catnip

Recreational Narcatics Toy & 20g Catnip


Recreational Narcatics™️ traffics in only the highest of highs and we’re damn purrroud of it. We believe that a felines journey to purrrvana is aided greatly with the use of Recreational Narcatics™️ Fine Nepeta Cataria.

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Recreational Narcatics™️ Fine Nepeta Cataria is all natural catnip smuggled out of the furrrtile Pawcific Northwest - the purrrfect elevation for cat drug production. Our plants aren't harvested until they're mature and loaded with essential oils, blooms, and nepetalactone. All this makes Recreational Narcatics™️ better at inducing β-endorphin secretion in your felines bloodstream.



We trust the science, so please note that ⅔ of adult domestic cats get noticeably intoxicated. Feline fine includes lick'n, sniff'n, nibble'n, paw'n or roll'n around Recreational Narcatics. Cats may also begin zoom'n, shak'n their heads, rub'n their cheeks, and/or/with-good fortune lick'n themselves extravagantly. About ⅓ of adult cats get chill vibes from nepetalactone, and may assume a sphinx-like posture and/or remain quiet.



Once our plants are selected, they're milled to remove sticks and stems. Removing these harsh bits makes the experience more comfortable and helps to improve the pelletization process. Pelletization locks freshness and potency in by keeping air and light out of the bulk of our high quality product. Recreational Narcatics™️ allows you to deal cat drugs in more ways than one. Neat, offered in pellet form, or freshly crumbled (unleash more power), our pelletized catnip is sure to please. Although Recreational Narcatics™️ are not a "cat treat", some cats will nibble on them. Rest assured, it's purrrfectly safe.



Add some texture by refilling cat toys with Recreational Narcatics™️ pelletized cat drugs. Hide pellets here and there to exercise their snoots. Pellets in the cat bed or an empty box is a stimulating Caturday experience. Say high with Recreational Narcatics™️ brand catnip.

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